How to Use to Target your Sales Prospects the Right Way

Sales Prospecting Techniques

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Targeted prospecting isn't just a tactic to plug into your sales process. It's an end-to-end strategy. When you're selling to people who aren't a great fit, you're wasting your time and not selling to those who might actually buy. enables your business to find B2B leads that are seeking you at the moment. It simplifies the process of identifying the people who know you can solve a problem for them and are interested in buying what you have to sell. Focusing all your efforts on the right set of prospects reaps many advantages:

  • It makes it easier to provide a personalized experience.
  • Close-rates are higher with targeted prospecting because low-value potential leads go down.
  • Customers feel valued, and they stay with the brand for long, increasing retention rates.
  • More opportunities for upselling and cross-selling arises as further needs of customers come to light.

Target your B2B Leads on a Real-time Basis

The biggest challenge for almost 40% of the salespeople is targeting the right fit of prospective customers. How do you find the right prospects? In this new era, sales teams must be more specific. In a truly targeted prospecting strategy for B2B lead generation, salespeople should start from the bottom and work their way up. The process begins with reaching the right people at the right time on the right channel.

And that's why there should be an organized process for shooting at the bull's eye.

Ready to transform your way to target sales prospects? Start your FREE 14-days trial with, today! understands that sales prospecting is much more than just a numbers game. A huge list of prospects doesn't guarantee their conversion to customers. Hence, helps you prepare a shorter, concise, industry-specific and targeted list of people who are genuinely interested in buying from you. combines the power of its breakthrough feature of real-time chat to help you make a precise list of sales prospects. It enables you to focus on the customers who can buy from you instead of spending time on the ones you won't be able to close.

Targeting Sales Prospects is More About Quality Than Quantity solves a very pertinent confusion that salespeople face. Most of them believe that if they make more conversations with their prospects, they can get more signups, and hence, customers. That's their notion behind not focusing on genuine individual prospects instead of creating a more extensive list to send emails.

Approximately 50% of your sales prospects are not the right set of bases for the product/service you sell. The crux of targeting the sales prospects lies in reaching the right people at the right time and with the right message. Using a website visitor tracking tool like helps you do precisely that. enables you to personalize and customize your outreach campaigns by starting an instant conversation with a visitor. With, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  • Instead of getting random emails and an annoying experience, your visitors would love to engage with you directly.
  • Reallocate the wasted time spent drafting emails to research, identifying, and segmenting the set of visitors who want to go forward with you.

Reach your ideal set of prospects by crafting the right message with Start your FREE 30-day trial.

A Smarter Way to Approach Targeted Sales Prospecting Process

Steps in Sales Prospecting
Steps in Sales Prospecting

Mapping out a process for targeting sales prospects starts from shifting the focus from selling to prospecting in the first place. With, salespeople can work smarter instead of harder. A targeted approach will eventually get you better responses and a better set of customers.

Research your prospects thoroughly.

Researching your prospects starts from identifying what type of customers would be happy from buying your services. For that, figuring out what current happy customers like and what their characteristics are. To accomplish that, you can:

  • Interact with the customer support teams to know the ins and outs of each customer. Then, find out the strong points and similarities that could help in researching new prospects.
  • Implement a visitor tracking software like to chat with your prospects in real-time, segment them, and build personas based on it.
  • Find out more than just their industry, revenue, or title. Get deeper context about prospects' needs to churn out an industry-specific, compelling, and problem-solving message.

Develop a smaller but highly targeted list of prospects.

Now when you have figured out and jotted down the profiles of your ideal customer, the next thing is identifying the people who fit that profile. With, you can easily:

  • Segment the people industry-wise, country-wise, and even page-wise.
  • Adding filters enables you to set specific filters that you can archive and export.
  • Eliminate some visitors who don't fit your ideal profile by simply hiding them.
  • Monitor their activity by tracking your recurring visitors and their history.
  • Extract their social media profiles to get to know them better and keep building your targeted list.

Implement a holistic approach focused on the prospects' behaviors.

Each prospective customer behaves differently when a message is sent out to them. Moreover, they can either fall under a single category or more than one category from:

  • The product/service aligns with their needs
  • The sales cycle is in tandem with their buying behavior
  • The price quotes are under their budget

Now is the time to do some homework to attract your prospective B2B leads with a message that speaks to them. Review the metrics that tell you all the success stories with your earlier customers. When you analyze all such data, can help you focus on identifying the following things:

  • Your best lot of customers, and how did you come in contact with them?
  • The key positions of the decision-makers in the companies you already sold your services.
  • Your best-targeted industries, based on metrics and the ideal company size.
  • Common factors like no. of employees, location, market, and budget.
  • The customers who believe in your USP and know you are better than your competitors.
  • The decisions your best customers took and their position in the sales cycle.

After sorting through these critical areas, the insights gained would help you craft a clear-cut message that you can send out to your prospects. It would also give you enough pedigree to understand and communicate with them in the future.

Build a Robust Sales Targeting Process With

A carefully crafted message is always a thousand times better than a generic one. enables you to create highly engaging CTAs that speak directly to your ideal decision-makers. It lets you target prospects on their experiences rather than sending emails to random visitors. These behaviors, like the number of times they clicked on a page/pages, the time they spent, and which pages they visited again – help you build a targeting process based on their exact challenges.

Getting started with is easy. Sign up for a FREE trial with 100 leads.

Your ideal customer waiting to be discovered on your website.'s real-time chat and insight data will help you identify and engage your online visitor and convert them to highly qualified companies. Install our script and see it for yourself.
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Krunal Shah
Article by
Krunal Shah- CTO

Having worked on numerous challenging projects in the fields of social businesses, the automotive sector, and education, Krunal has over 10 years of expertise in the IT industry.

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